TYNOR Wrist Wrap (NEOPRENE),Grey, Pack of 1

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TYNOR Wrist Wrap (NEOPRENE),Grey, Pack of 1   About this item Size Universal Use for Wrist Age Range (Description) Adult Provides effective and strong compression by use of four way...

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    Manufacturer : Tynor Orthotics Private Limited

    Made In: India

    TYNOR Wrist Wrap (NEOPRENE),Grey, Pack of 1


    About this item

    Size Universal

    Use for Wrist

    Age Range (Description) Adult

    Provides effective and strong compression by use of four way stretch fabric.

    Wrap aroud design ensures better grip and customized compression.

    Thicker fabric enhances body heat retention and helps in therapeutic heat for faster healing.

    EXACT FIT - For perfect fit and more comfort we recommend user to strictly follow the size chart shown and measurement must be taken according to the instructions provided.

    Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ Tynor Orthotics Private Limited

    Country of Origin ‏ : ‎ India

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