TYNOR Wrist Splint with Thumb, Black, 1 Unit

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TYNOR Wrist Splint with Thumb, Black, 1 Unit   About this item Brand TYNOR Specific Uses For Product Wrist Splint Use for Hand Age Range (Description) Adult Provides complete thu...

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    Manufacturer : Tynor Orthotics Private Limited

    Made In: INDIA

    TYNOR Wrist Splint with Thumb, Black, 1 Unit


    About this item

    Brand TYNOR

    Specific Uses For Product Wrist Splint

    Use for Hand

    Age Range (Description) Adult

    Provides complete thumb splinting in abduction position. Double & removable splinting ensures rigid immobilization at the required degree of wrist dorsiflexion.

    Ergonomic design with lace pull and reverse buckle mechanism allows single pull tightening and better grip with free finger movement.

    Long length of the brace, ensures enhanced immobilization and use of high quality to enhance comfort of the user.

    Easy to use, washbale, good aesthetics, long functional life, durable.

    One size fits both hand.

    Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ Tynor Orthotics Private Limited

    Country of Origin ‏ : ‎ India

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