Dyna Cling Post Maternity Corset

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Dyna Cling Post Maternity Corset About this item Closure type : Pull On Care instructions : Hand Wash Only Age range description : Adult Increased width of 25 cm which no other competitor produ...

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    Manufacturer : ‎Dynamic Techno Medicals Pvt Ltd

    Made In: India

    Dyna Cling Post Maternity Corset

    About this item
    Closure type : Pull On
    Care instructions : Hand Wash Only
    Age range description : Adult
    Increased width of 25 cm which no other competitor product offers. This will give maximum support to your abdominal walls
    Excellent elasticity and stretchability ensures adequate compression and supports weakened muscle
    Cling is fully elastic and provides a snug fit compared to products made with a combination of cloth and elastic.
    Cling is made of high-quality, imported materials which are skin-friendly. Cling retains its elasticity even after long use.
    Cling is thin and fits easily under clothes. As the name suggests, it clings to your body contours and is comfortable to wear for long duration.
    Manufacturer : Dynamic Techno Medicals Pvt. Ltd.
    Country of Origin : India

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