Dyna Clavicle Beace, Pack of 1

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Dyna Clavicle Beace, Pack of 1   About this item Brand : Dyna Specific Uses For Product : 1. Correction of acromio-clavicular fractures 2. Management of clavicular injuries 3. Postural co...

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    Manufacturer : ‎Dynamic Techno Medicals Pvt Ltd

    Made In: India

    Dyna Clavicle Beace, Pack of 1


    About this item

    Brand : Dyna

    Specific Uses For Product : 1. Correction of acromio-clavicular fractures 2. Management of clavicular injuries 3. Postural correction of stooped shoulders1. Correction of acromio-clavicular fractures 2. Management of clavicular injuries 3. Postural correction of stooped shoulders

    Use for : Shoulders

    Age Range (Description) : Adult

    Bilateral underarm pad to prevent excess pressure

    Effective design for support, relief and speedy calcification of the fractured clavicle bone

    Hook and loop closures for easy application and adjustment

    Soft pad in the posterior region prevent abrasions

    Manufacturer : ‎Dynamic Techno Medicals

    Country of Origin : ‎India

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